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WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (8/4): Keller’s report on Jey Uso vs. Solo Sikoa, Sheamus vs. L.A. Knight, final Summerslam hype

Jul 25, 2023

August 4, 2023

Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

-Michael Cole introduced the show as the camera panned the crowd. Wade Barrett hyped the Jey Uso vs. Solo Sikoa match.

-L.A. Knight’s music then played. They showed the crowd exploding with cheers and glee. Knight entered the ring and absorbed the cheers while holding out the mic. He paused, then said, “Let’s me talk to ya’!” He addressed the 25-man battle royal at Summerslam. He said he doesn’t even know everyone who will be in the match. A graphic showed The Miz, Matt Riddle, Sheamus, Greyson Waller, Santos Escobar, and Karrion Kross. He took a dig at Miz, mocking his motto of being “Must-see TV.” He called Sheamus pasty-skinned. Sheamus then made his way to the ring. Cole yelled, “It’s Fight Night!”

(1) SHEAMUS (w/Butch, Ridge Holland) vs. L.A. KNIGHT

The bell rang six minutes into the hour. When Sheamus shoulder-tackled Knight to the mat, fans booed. Cole talked about how Knight is trying to take something from the Attitude Era and mix it together with today to create who he is. Cole said as popular as Knight is, to stay there he has to win matches. (I love that line from Cole.) Knight dove at Sheamus against the ropes and they both tumbled over the top rope to the floor. The ref warned Butch and Ridge to stay back. Santos Escobar walked to ringside followed by Miz and then Grayson Waller. Karrion Kross, with Scarlett, followed behind a few seconds later. A.J. Styles and Michin joined everyone at ringside. Sheamus dropped Knight onto the ring apron with White Noise. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c/ss]

Back from the break, Knight dropped Sheamus to the mat and both were slow to get up. Knight powerslammed Sheamus a minute later and landed a flying elbow drop. He lifted Sheamus on his shoulders and slammed him to the mat for a two count. Knight went for Blunt Force Trauma, but Sheamus blocked it and rolled up Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus followed with an Irish Curse backbreaker and then a White Noise off the second rope for a near fall. Barrett called it “the brutalist style of Sheamus.” Sheamus applied a Texas Cloverleaf next. Knight leaped onto the top rope, but slipped off of it. He regrouped and leaped back onto the top rope, then Sheamus slipped and Knight slipped. They both tumbled to the mat. The ref and other wrestlers checked on them both. Austin Theory then ran to ringside and attacked Escobar from behind with a forearm. He smiled and retreated. A brawl broke out with everyone at ringside. Butch leaped onto the back of Kross. Styles hit Butch with a leaping forearm off the ringside steps.

Sheamus and Knight had returned to the ring. Knight was clutching his right knee. Sheamus grabbed Miz at ringside and lifted him against the ropes and bashed him with forearms. Knight rolled up Sheamus from behind for a near fall. Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick, but Knight ducked. Sheamus hit Miz. Knight then hit the Blunt Force Trauma on Sheamus for the win.

WINNER: Knight in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Knight got the win, but not without Sheamus losing his focus and attacking Miz. The botched spot where he leaped to the top rope isn’t going to help him counter skeptics who think he’s not quite good enough in the ring to be counted on as a top level wrestler, even temporarily. The match was fine otherwise, but also nothing special.) [c]

-An enraged Adam Pearce yelled at the Brawling Brutes and The O.C. (Styles, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows). He told them to settle it in the ring later tonight.

-They went to Cole and Barrett at ringside. Barrett was excited about that match.

-A sponsored video package aired on Cody Rhodes-Brock Lesnar feud with clips of Lesnar attacking Cody and then Cody saying he’d be crazy not to be scared of him. The closing line on the screen said the saga ends at Summerslam.

-The Brawling Brutes made their ring entrance. [c]

-They showed Jey Uso backstage and plugged his match later against Solo Sikoa.

(2) THE O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. BUTCH & RIDGE HOLLAND

The bell rang 35 minutes into the hour. Barrett called The O.C. a well-oiled machine with years of teaming together. Cole said that’s why a win by The Brawling Brutes would be so impressive here. They cut to a break at 3:00 with the Brutes in control. [c]

Anderson had Holland grounded after the break. At 8:00, with Butch on the attack, The Street Profits charged in and attacked Butch and Anderson. They were well-dressed. “Dawkins is in a suit!” Cole said, voice cracking with shock. They then double-teamed Holland. Butch leaped onto Dawkins’ back. Ford yanked him off and face-planted him. Fans stood and cheered. (Is that the reaction they were going for?) Cole said that’s “as aggressive as he’s seen the Street Profits in many, many years here.” Bobby Lashley walked out and hugged them. Fans continued to cheer. Then they chanted “Bobby! Bobby!” Cole said change is in the air.

WINNERS: No contest in 8:00.

-A vignette aired on Charlotte who was on a yacht. She said she likes nice things and is the past, present, and future and has been since 2015. She said she’s not trying to beat Asuka and Bianca Belair, but rather they’re having to beat her. [c]

-Paul Heyman stood mid-ring. Fans booed. Heyman shook his head at them. “Ladies, if there are any in Ohio,” he said. “And gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.” Fans said his name aloud too. “How did it come to this?” he asked. “This is not what your Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, wanted.” He said if the fans want to blame someone for the fact that they will likely never see Jimmy Uso again, they can all blame Jey Uso. He said what happens to Jey at Summerslam will be the fault of Reigns. “There will be no remorse, there will be no regret, there will be no plea for absolution or benediction or forgiveness.” He said Reigns is entering a match called Tribal Combat. He pointed at the big screen.

A video, narrated by Heyman, featuring animations of past family members in WWE. Afa talked about the history of the necklace. Heyman said in the end, there will be no doubt left in anyone’s mind who can carry the honor of being the undisputed Tribal Chief.

Back live in the ring, Heyman talked up Reigns being the Tribal Chief for “damn near three years here in WWE.” He said it will never be Jey. He was about to say what the only spoiler was he had for Saturday night, but Jey’s music interrupted. Jey marched out. Heyman’s eyed bugged out. Jey entered the ring and played to the fans. Fans chanted “Uso! Uso!” It shifted to a chant of “Jey! Jey!”

Jey said that Tribal Combat is happening on Saturday night. He said Roman is going through a table. He said the passion Heyman sees in him is showing up at Summerslam. He said he’s bringing the spirit of the ancestors and the culture, too. He said he’ll become the new Tribal Chief and the new Undisputed Universal Champion. Solo Sikoa then walked out. Cole said they’ll be wrestling each other later. He said Solo is the younger brother of Jey. Heyman held Solo back. Jey told Solo to “chill out.” Heyman said, “I think what he’s trying to tell you is you done screwed up now.”

Jey told Solo that it doesn’t matter what happens between them, because he can always forgive him. He told Solo they treated him the same way they’re treating him. He said he’s being given orders just like they used to give him orders. “Okay?” Jey asked. Heyman said, “No, not okay. You really think…” Heyman looked over at Solo who had an expression that alarmed Heyman. Heyman asked Jey to excuse them for a moment. He tried to lead Solo out of the ring. Solo looked at Jey and said, “Now.” Heyman told Solo to listen to him. Solo looked at Heyman and yelled at him to get out of the ring. Jey superkicked Solo, who tumbled to the floor.

Jey looked over at Heyman cowering in the corner. Jey told Heyman to tell his cousin he’ll see him tomorrow night and tell his brother he’ll see him later tonight.

(Keller’s Analysis: More amazing content from the Bloodline. Heyman is doing such great work. Jey continues to rise to the occasion. Solo is great playing his part.)

-They replayed the Rey Mysterio bump last week that ended the match against Escobar prematurely.

-They went to Cole and Barrett at ringside. Cole said Rey suffered severe whiplash and he’s resting at home and he’s considered day-to-day.

-Kayla Braxton interviewed Austin Theory backstage. Theory said Escobar injured his mentor, “his so-called role model that he loves.” He said he’s going to dedicate his victory next week to Rey. He said first, he’s going to crush the dreams of Cameron Grimes “when he experiences Austin Theory live.”

-Theory made his ring entrance. [c]


Grimes’s ring entrance was in progress after the break. Cole called him “the hard-working, gritty, enterprising young Superstar.” (That’s not a character.) The bell rang 12 minutes into the hour. In the opening seconds, Escobar tried to race to the ring, but he was held back by referees and officials. Grimes caught a distracted Theory with a Cave In. Theory rolled to the floor. Grimes dove through the ropes and knocked Theory down. He threw Theory into the ringside barricade and then back into the ring.

Grimes leaped off the top rope with a flying crossbody for a two count. Barrett said it works out well for Grimes that people underestimate him as a small town country boy. Grimes stayed on offense and scored more near falls. Grimes went for a Cave In, but Theory avoided it. Grimes climbed to the top rope, but Theory knocked him off balance and then hit A-Town Down for the win. Cole said Theory “survived tonight.”

WINNER: Theory in 3:00.

-Afterward, Escobar gave Theory a Phantom Driver. Cole said if he hits that next week, they’ll have a new United States Champion. Escobar’s music played as Theory lay on the mat writhing in pain.

-A vignette aired on Asuka showing her working out with a punching bag and throwing kicks mixed with match highlights. It closed with her yelling, “Get ready for Asuka! Ha ha ha ha!” [c]

-Cole said Detroit’s own Kid Rock will be hosting and narrating the Summerslam opening video including several Kid Rock songs.

-The Grayson Waller Effect: Waller stood mid-ring as Mike Rome introduced him. Waller said it’s Summerslam weekend and all anyone is talking about is him. He said he’s going to give someone the Grayson Waller Rub. He introduced Iyo Sky and Bayley.

Waller asked Sky if she’s going to cash in the Money in the Bank contract. As Sky was about to speak, Bayley interrupted. Sky didn’t seem to like that. Bayley said Waller must be an idiot if he thinks they’re going to give away their strategy. She called the fans idiots. Shotzi’s maniacal laughter kicked in. Grayson laughed at how scared Bayley was, revealing it was a prank by him. Bayley told Grayson not to do that again to her. She said Shotzi hasn’t shown her face in weeks, but she (Bayley) shows up every week.

Shotzi’s music then played. Bayley smiled and said, “Fool me once…” Grayson indicated he wasn’t behind it this time. A tank drove out. Shotzi appeared in the ring behind Bayley with her new buzz cut. Bayley begged off and said she’s sorry. Bayley took a swing. Shotzi blocked her and knocked her down. Shotzi pulled out clippers and turned them on. Bayley ran away. Barrett said Shotzi is demented. Cole said Bayley and Sky made her that way. Zelina Vega popped out of the tank. Cole said she hopes to score another victory over Sky as a clip aired of her win over Sky on Smackdown two months ago. [c]

-Barrett and Cole hype a YouTube video blog on Jey Uso showing his workouts and comments leading into Summerslam. They hyped Jey vs. Solo was coming up in the main event.


The match was in progress in the ring 32 minutes into the hour. A 2:00 Shotzi and Bayley were fighting on the stage. Shotzi had the clippers. Bayley escaped and ran to the back. In the ring, Vega landed a running powerbomb out of the corner and then a Code Red for the win. Cole said Vega seems to have Sky’s number.

WINNER: Vega in around 4:00.

-A vignette aired on Bianca Belair who said she’s going to get revenge for Asuka blinding her and stealing her title. They showed her working out and then doing her string of “est-isms.”

-Cole and Barrett hyped the Summerslam line-up.

-Jey Uso made his entrance. [c]

(5) SOLO SIKOA (w/Paul Heyman) vs. JEY USO

The bell rang 45 minutes into the hour. Solo took it to Jey early. Jey rolled to ringside. Solo told Jey he won’t make it to Summerslam. Solo rammed Jey into the table and then tossed the lid away. Jey escaped the Spinning Solo and superkicked Solo onto the desk. Jey then dove through the ropes and knocked him hard into the table. [c]

Back from the break, Solo had Jey on the mat with a nerve hold. They aired a clip of Solo giving Jey a belly-to-belly in the ring during the break. Barrett said Solo is seven years younger than Jey and is bigger and stronger. He said he has everything. Jey made a comeback at 9:00 and scored a near fall with a flying bodypress. Jey ducked a Samoan Spike and then speared Solo. Cole said that’s Roman Reigns’s move. Jey then leaped off the top rope with a splash for the win. Cole said Heyman’s expressions tells the story.

WINNER: Jey Uso in 11:00.

-Solo attacked Jey at ringside after the match. Jey battled back and threw Solo into the time keepers’ area. He then bashed him with a chair before standing on the announce desk and played to the crowd. Cole asked if Jey can do the unthinkable and knock off the Tribal Chief in front of 50,000-plus at Summerslam.

(1) SHEAMUS (w/Butch, Ridge Holland) vs. L.A. KNIGHT(2) THE O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. BUTCH & RIDGE HOLLAND(3) AUSTIN THEORY vs. CAMERON GRIMES(4) ZELINA VEGA vs. IYO SKY(5) SOLO SIKOA (w/Paul Heyman) vs. JEY USO